WQAD will be offering a Free Flu Shot Clinic to the general public with the help of Genesis Flu Free Quad Cities on Tuesday, October 27th. Shots will be administered at our studios located at 3003 Park 16th Street in Moline, Illinois.
Shots will be administered from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. and will be given to the first 200 people.
Related: Why you shouldn’t skip the flu shot, even if you hear it might not work
We’re kicking off another year of Flu-Free Quad Cities in October and will give about 10,000 doses to elementary school children throughout the region. This group usually doesn’t have severe side effects from the flu but the group passes the flu very efficiently. Genesis also has an extensive inpatient program to screen people being discharged and provide flu protection to all patients being discharged. Through various flu season activities, we believe we reach up to 50,000 people in the region with flu shots.
Who should get the flu shot?: Everyone 6 months and older
When?: The vaccine is available now. Now is the time.
The vaccine should be a better match, according to CDC. Last year we all know the vaccine did not cover everything out there very well. The CDC is saying the vaccine will be a better match this year.
Why are flu shots so important?: Seasonal influenza can be serious and fatal. Thousands die each year from flu-related complications, mostly pneumonia. The more people who are vaccinated, the better we are able to prevent the flu for higher risk individuals, including babies, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems and chronic conditions like asthma.
What else can we do?: The vaccine is the best thing we can do to prevent the flu but hand hygiene and cough etiquette are also important and we should stay away from people who are sick if we are in one of the higher risk groups.